
Sustainability is an incredibly important part of being at one with The Wild.

We are a “leave no trace” event and want to spread the juicy good vibes of being environmentally conscious. We want to keep our venue in tip top shape for its generous owners and future events to come.

Partying with a lighter footprint not only makes you an epic human, but also lets you give back to this beautiful planet that sustains us.


Leave No Trace

If you pack it in, guess what? You can pack it out! Let’s all work together as the incredible community that we are and lead the way for a cleaner, brighter future.



Recycling is cool, don’t ya know? You will find bins throughout the site for your convenience, so please dispose of your waste in the correct bins. Garbage bags will also be provided to you upon arrival.

It is estimated that campers create 80% of rubbish generated from a festival and most of it goes to landfill. The Wild is not one of those festivals. We are trying our best to find ways to reduce our overall waste.  Everything you bring, take it home.


Bring a Reusable Cup

One way to reduce your waste is to bring reusable cup or water bottle. There will be uncertified rain water available on site where you can refill.

If you are uncomfortable drinking uncertified water, please bring enough water to last you throughout the event.


Reduce Your Plastic

Say no to single use plastics! They are toxic for us, our wildlife and the environment.

Try to avoid buying items in unnecessary packaging, choose goods packaged in easily recycled materials or even better with no packaging! Make sure any waste you create you either take home or dispose of in the correct bin on site.

Love to sparkle? So do we! Choose bio-glitter and/or face paint to level up to eco-babe!!